Sunday, August 2, 2009

Movie I want to see : Paper Heart / Playlist Contest

This summer, I have been hearing so much about the L word that I have started to loathe it. Not the feeling, but the word itself. Can't we think of something else to call it so it isn't such overkill? For example, I glop him, or she is the floss of my life. Hey, I like that. Floss of my life. I am so aware that this hate makes me sound like a bitter old skeptic, but I have embraced it. People throw it around like it's no bd and call me old fashioned but shouldn't you at least have some sense of self before you give all your lovin/flossin to someone who brushes the hair off your face? But then I saw the commercial for Paper Heart and I have to admit, my bitter skepticism turned a little more semi-sweet, if you know what I mean. The idea of a love found by someone who doesn't believe in it seems to work it's way in a lot of indie films, especially love found by a quirky leading lady and a social awkward male lead ( what up Juno?! ). Regardless of the indietastic trailer song ( a cheap but effective ploy by the indietastic studio? ) and the new indie awkward it boy Micheal Cera, I am still down for seeing this movie. I am a big fan of documentaries and I actually threw around doing some "What is love?" interviews for a final project but Charlyne Yi beat me to the punch. And speaking of Charlyne Yi, she is awesome. She is real, man. I am so over seeing "indie films" with really gorgeous people in super trendy clothes and she looks like someone I would actually know ( outside of Elon, of course ). I would break down the synopsis, but I want you guys to check out the trailer because I think it's more fun that way. What do you think? Do you want to see the movie? I will do a soundtrack breakdown when it comes out. I am thinking we will be seeing some Arcade Fire, Wilco and Shiny Toy Gunish type jams.

If you had to create a movie soundtrack, what would be on it? First tell me what the movie is about ( very generally of course, love, loss of love, death of family member and love, mystery about a super hero who gets killed, ect ) and create a soundtrack for it. If that is a bit of a stretch, give a new soundtrack to a movie that already exists. Send your playlists by responding to that entry about Paper Heart until next Friday and the person with the best playlist ( as voted on by Brick Style writers ) gets a movie ticket!

Sound good?

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

So I'm stealing the soundtrack guide from a Facebook survey, but here's mine :)

Opening Credits: This Is Your Life (Switchfoot)

Waking Up: Feelin' Groovy (Simon and Garfunkel)

First Day At School: Curbside Prophet (Jason Mraz)

First Kiss: I Only Wanna Be With You (Hootie and the Blowfish)

Falling In Love: You Make My Dreams Come True (Hall and Oats) OR Accidentally in Love (Counting Crows)

Fight Song: Jealous Girls (The Gossip)

Breaking Up: King of Wishful Thinking (Go West)

Prom: Drops of Jupiter (Train)

Life's Ok: I'll Cover You (Rent)

Flashback: Livin' On a Prayer (Bon Jovi)

Just Being With Friends: You're My Best Friend (Queen)

Wedding: Little Wonders (Rob Thomas)

Birth of Child: Banana Pancakes (Jack Johnson)

Death Scene: Tears in Heaven (Eric Clapton)

Funeral Song: Wheel in the Sky (Journey)

End Credits: Send Me on My Way (Rusted Root)