Monday, September 21, 2009

DIY: Business Cards

I won't lie here, being a senior would probably stress me out a lot more right now if I didn't have post-grad plans already in place. As it is though, there are two things that still pretty much dominate in importance this year, besides paying Elon another outrageous fee to wear that pretty gown. One is creating a website. The other, making business cards.

I've been told before that handing out business cards is generally ineffective unless you have something to back it up, (hence the website). But in my experience at internships and networking events, you want that little piece of paper to pass from your hands into someone else's. At the opportune time, it could make all the difference. And then, once it's out of your hands, you want it to stand out.

That doesn't mean spending $10 and getting wimpy 3.5x2 white cards with black writing. But you don't have to spend $100, either. You could do it yourself.

Don't be afraid to think way, waaay outside the box. It could be that kick you need to really get the job.

If you need more inspiration, this is possibly one of the greatest design websites I've ever seen, and the book Design It Yourself has an amazing section, including one (rather out there) design that involves writing your name and email in icing on a card-sized brownie.

I don't necessarily suggest doing that particular one though, as I probably wouldn't remember someone's name if I ate it. Unless they tasted really exceptional.


Anonymous said...

That is a really neat idea!! I love it. So cute. I like the one that says Blank. That's really cute. I would definitely remember a cupcake if it was AMAZING. otherwise....not so much.

Anonymous said...

I like this idea! I don't know what I would create, though : )