Sunday, October 25, 2009

Paranormal Activity: Small Budget, Big Scares

With Halloween just around the corner, the cineplexes are getting flooded by the usual horror flicks. But for every Saw installment and slasher remake this year, there's one film that is proving to be not only a solid 'scare fest' but also the underdog movie of the year. That movie is the low-budget ghost pic, Paranomal Activity.

The movie, about a young couple with a nasty demon in their house, was filmed completely on a home video camera and it is the subtle realism that really makes the movie stand out. Thumps in the night, a door swinging by itself; all these little things are just real and convincing enough to send chills down your spine.

The movie is very simple, a bit slow in parts, but in the end it succeeds in what it set out to do: scare the pants off movie-goers without big-name stars, flashy effects, or a big-budget. The theatre was packed and the animated audience made it a truly fun movie-going experience. This is one you've got to see in theaters on a late night. You'll have a great time and be hearing mysterious sounds in your house for nights after.

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