A new used bike shop has popped up on University Dr. right next to University Grill. Its called Elon Bike Shop Buy, Sell and Trade and they have a wide assortment of all types and sizes of bikes, including mountain bikes, nice road bikes, some vintage fixed gear bikes, and kids' bikes (training wheels included).

The shop seems to hold irregular hours (and likes to simultaneously hang open and closed signs in the window), so I wasn't able to go inside, but I just looked through the windows to see what they had. There was also a used, black drum set in the window.

All the bikes are very reasonably priced (all the price tags are dangling off the handle bars quite visibly) and probably in good working condition.

Have you thought of joining the cycling club at Elon but don't own a bike? Have you considered how fun it would be riding to school on a bike instead of driving this spring? There are probably a lot of reasons that's a really good idea, including being able to enjoy the weather on nice days, getting in a little bit of exercise, and saving gas and carbon emissions by keeping your car off the road a couple days each week.

If you're looking for high-end, new bikes, check out
J&L Bicycle Co. in downtown Burlington, located at 216 Front St next to the future location of the Company Shops Market Co-op.

They offer a wide line of new bicycles of all kinds, as well as all the clothing, equipment and accessories you may want to go with your bike. They also have a couple weekly group rides that would be great to get involved in.
I noticed this sticker placed in the windows of a lot of stores downtown in solidarity, to help Company Shops Market raise funds and awareness for the local food co-op in Burlington's future. Keep it up CSM! Learn how to support them and the local food cause here.
If you have any desire or need for any kind of bike, Burlington's got you covered. Go snag one now so that you're ready to take an impromptu bike ride whenever our warm, spring days finally arrive.
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